Not far from the old thuringian whetstone quarries, right behind the border to the frankonian area, good whetstones have also been found in older times.
It is not known, when the hones in the frankonian area were first exploited. There had been some investigations in the past that tried to establish a relationship of whetstones found in old castles and trading places of the early middle ages or even before with the frankonian deposits – that is possible, but not proven. There is a high probability that some of the old mines could be dated at least in the late middle ages, but the first written proofs I found so far are some mine claim requests that are dated in the early 19th century. The last mines had been in operation until 1945.
The performance of the frankonian hones is comparable to a god coticule. On one side they could be used in a very wide range of honing, from bevel setting all through the whole progression till the endfinishing. The result is a very fine, sharp and smooth edge – comparable or even better than from a thuringian waterhone.
The offered frankonian hones are mostly smaller irregular bouts from the original quarries.
These are natural stones, so small hairline cracks or chips, sometimes delamination within the hone matrix, on the hone sides or back may be present. On many examples, we have sealed the sides and back to prevent any water from intruding into the stone during use.